Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Break Dancing / More East Rock Crew

Lots of new news, well really only 2 points but they are cool ones, check it

1) Up coming bboy battle "Hustle to Get Here" is coming up in september. This will be, i believe, the first large bboy battle in St. Johns yet! Matt Power (manager of East Rock Crew, photo below) and Paddy Greene are organizing this event and bringing in bboys from other parts of Canada. Ill be posting more info as it progresses but for now, ill start off that news with a photo from a shoot i did for the posters and promo materials. trailer to follow as well.

2) East Rock Crew preformed at Busker Fest a few weeks ago in St. Johns and KILLED it. Photo below, ERC rocking their new t-shirts that we designed and printed at our new studio (www.bold-creative.com coming soon)

Signing off for now! keep it fresh

Work Photos

Ok... so its been a month... again... slacker over here, oh well im really trying to get better at this. Below are some shots I took for the ad agency I work for m5 (www.m5.ca). m5 recently rebranded and did a corporate magazine so they wanted some interesting photos, here are a couple I shot of the creative directors (beach, trampoline and forest) and Sheldon (sitting) from Podium Digital (www.podiumdigital.com). Hope you like.